[Knitting] Meeting tonight

Kyra Pastore kpastore at stevens.edu
Tue Mar 3 14:23:50 EST 2015

Hey everyone!

Remember we have another Knitting Club meeting tonight at 9 PM in BC204.
Officer nominations are still going on! Here's the link
you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for a position.

Here is a doc
more information about officer responsibilities. Let me know if you want
more information. Nominations will be open for another week or so.

See you later,

*Kyra Pastore*
*Stevens Institute of Technology*
*Electrical Engineering, BE and ME 2016*
*Theta Phi Alpha Sorority, Greek Liaison*
*Knitting Club, Vice President*
*Tau Beta Pi, Recording Secretary*
*Student Tutor*
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