[Redshift] Saturday Night

Elliot Sadlon esadlon at stevens.edu
Sat Sep 8 12:06:38 EDT 2007

All who receive this are invited over tonight, 8 September, at 9:00 for
a group creative brainstorming. Bring notebooks, coloring books, sketch
pads, clay, friends* (and probably a chair - I plan on having a packed
room). Whatever you want.

My goal is simply to provide a platform for expression, not debate. I'll
have some ground rules that I'll discuss later. For now I'll emphasize
that I anticipate the first hour being purely storm time. Social time
can come later.

On that note, feel free to bring snacks, drinks, cocaine, just don't get
too stupid during storm time (especially if you're drinking or blowing

Hope to see you tonight.
Tech 127

The back door, the one facing TX, doesn't lock, so if you're too afraid
to call me to let you in, take that route.


*Friends only interested in the storm, though, please.

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