[Serccollaborators] Science Policy Challenges: Managing the Federal S&T Enterprise

dcops dcops at stevens.edu
Wed May 6 13:43:28 EDT 2015

Dear Colleague,


The Federal Science and Technology enterprise is a vast collection of
funding agencies, research laboratories, development centers, spread across
a wide range of organizations, from the Department of Defense to the
National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health. Serving in
the role as interagency coordinator and facilitator is the White House
Office of Science and Technology Policy, which has oversight of the overall
balance and completeness of the Executive Branch's science and technology
portfolio. This talk will examine some of the challenges faced, and
opportunities available, in managing that federal S&T system. Examples will
focus on providing the science behind policy decisions, as well as the
policies required to foster strong science. In particular, the role of
independent, objective analysis in informing sound science policy will be


This should be a very interesting, and perhaps provocative, session, and an
opportunity to interact with a leader in our field.


The seminar is scheduled from 4:30PM to 6:30PM on Wednesday, May 27th, at
Stevens' Washington DC office, Suite G-17 in the Ronald Reagan Building
(Federal Triangle Metro).


Please RSVP to 202-567-6380 or dcops at stevens.edu


Best regards,


Annette H.


Stevens Institute of Technology

Washington DC Operations


 <mailto:DCOps at stevens.edu> DCOps at stevens.edu


Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center

1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Suite G-17

Washington, DC 20004


 <http://www.stevens.edu/DC> www.stevens.edu/DC


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