[Sgdc] Stevens Game Development Club Meeting (Nov 18th)

sgdc at lists.stevens.edu sgdc at lists.stevens.edu
Wed Nov 12 12:48:13 EST 2008

Hello Folks,

On Tuesday November 18th we'll be having my friend Andrew P. come to talk
about his small game development company.
Everyone is invited, we'll have some pizza and snacks so bring a few of your

Afterward we'll talk about work on the game competition coming up.
I've made a facebook event (related to sgdc) if you want to start telling
your friends about the event.

Soon I'll have a website up for people to place a semi-formal registration
so we can know how many people want to participate, or maybe just an email
Well work on creating some type of flier/poster so we can start getting the
word out about the competition too!

Hope to see you all there on Tuesday!

P. S. Remember there is the IGDA event at Babbio 122 on Saturday from 2-6pm.

"I'm not even angry,
I'm being so sincere right now."

Theodore M. Reed
Alpha Sigma Phi - Brotherhood Development Chair
Information Technology Consultant
Microsoft Student Partner
Stevens Institute of Technology
(609) - 287 - 0534
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