[Sgdc] Meeting Tonight at 9:00PM (There will be food!)

sgdc at lists.stevens.edu sgdc at lists.stevens.edu
Tue Nov 18 17:02:22 EST 2008

Hello everyone,

Just a quick reminder that we're having a few awesome people joining us
tonight for our meeting!

Where: BC220
When: 9:00PM
What: Meeting!!!

They'll be talking about their experiences with game design and giving
everyone tips on how they can start their career in game development while
at Stevens.
Such as:
What classes to take, what books to read, what RSS feeds to subscribe to in
Google reader, what food to eat, and how to look trendy!

I hope everyone shows up!

There will be pizza and soda so even if you're not interested to listening
at least come for the food!

Your friend,

"I'm not even angry,
I'm being so sincere right now."

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
say it."

Theodore M. Reed
Alpha Sigma Phi - Brotherhood Development Chair
Information Technology Consultant
Microsoft Student Partner
Stevens Institute of Technology
(609) - 287 - 0534
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