[Sgdc] Imagine Cup 2009 - Kickoff Meeting Tuesday!

sgdc at lists.stevens.edu sgdc at lists.stevens.edu
Sat Oct 4 19:12:34 EDT 2008

Attention Stevens Game Development Club!


Are you interested in being a career game developer? Ever wanted to play
your own video game? Are you interested in being internationally famous? Do
you like large amounts of money?

If you can answer 'yes' to any of these questions, it's time to put your
rear in gear and your money where your mouth is.

Microsoft's Imagine Cup draws over 1000 teams to its Game Development
Contest, and last year Stevens placed eighth with a team of just three
dedicated members. 

This year, we're going all-in, full-throttle, balls-to-the-wall. We're
shooting for the top.


We're going to assemble a dream team, demolish the competition, and scoop
the all-expenses-paid trip to Egypt, the $25,000 prize money, and the
ability to tell potential employers that we are the top college game
developers in the world. Interested? Just curious? Think we're
overconfident? I cordially invite you to the kickoff meeting of Team
Stevens, the future winners of the 2009 Imagine Cup Game Development


Let me guess - never laid a line of code in your life? Don't even know what
XNA stands for? Not enough artistic talent to play Mario Paint? Don't worry
- training will be included in the project, and even the most inexperienced
n00b will ascend to 1337ness when surrounded by a high-powered team. Your
knowledge and skill are less important than your dedication. Show up to our
kickoff meeting and see what the Competition is all about.


Time: Tuesday, Oct. 7, 9:00 PM

Place: Babbio 220

Admission: Bring a killer game idea.

More Info: zfreedma at stevens.edu 


Thanks to the Stevens Game Development Club, the Open Source Art Society,
and the Student Government Association for their help and support in this


Zack Freedman

Co-op Sophomore, Stevens Institute of Technology, EM

Mobile: 973.592.9235 AIM: quagsir195

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