[Sgdc] SGDC meeting

John Gillespie jgillesp at stevens.edu
Sat Sep 6 13:16:55 EDT 2008

Heads up:

The Stevens Game Development Club is holding a general information meeting
this tuesday, September 9th in Babbio 210 at 9:15pm. We'll be discussing our
plans for this semester. This year we will be sending several teams to the
Microsoft-sponsored Imagine Cup Game Competition, where last year the SGDC
team reached the top 20 out of approximately 160 teams. We'll be discussing
this competition and International Game Developers Association events held
in Hoboken. In addition, if you are a CS senior and you wish to do game
design for your senior project, come and meet with the sgdc eboard members
who are putting together a team to make an awesome game to rock Bernstein's
socks off. For more information, email sgdc at stevens.edu.

- Dizzy
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