[Sgdc] General Information

Andrew Grapsas aagrapsas at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 00:34:00 EDT 2008

Hey, All,

Tuesday was a great meeting! Lots of new faces, lots of fun. I yelled at
Karl. I'm not mean. Really. I'm not. :)

I promised some links to find out more information about the game industry,
game development, etc. So, without further adieu:

*International Game Developers Association*: http://www.igda.org/

*Game Dev Map*: http://www.gamedevmap.com/

*Gamasutra* (news and articles relevant to the industry):

*Sloperama *(A bible for newbs! I had the pleasure of meeting Tom in person
over the summer): http://www.sloperama.com/advice.html

Additionally, I've been in contact with the game development club over at
Bloomfield College. They have an excess of artists. We're overflowing with
programmers. Sounds like a match made in heaven, to me.

So, anyone interested in doing a project, let me know and I'll make the
connection. E-mail me now, though. It's best to start early. This is also a
great opportunity to put together a strong Imagine Cup entrant! Do
*not*think that working on your own side project, all by your lonesome
somehow magically give you an edge. You need to have team projects to show
that you play well with others!

Send me e-mails if you have any questions/interest or whatnot.

*Important Date:* September 23rd. Mile Square Bar & Grill. That's, like,
Washington and something (3rd? I forget). There'll be ~40 people with about
~15 being real game developers. It's a great event to network, have some
good burgers and yummy drinks. Under 21? That's cool, you just can't
drink/sit at the bar.

Peace in the middle east,

~ Andrew Grapsas
(agrapsas at stevens.edu)
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