[Sgdc] Fwd: SGDC Boot Camp 3: The Actual Game!

Zack Freedman zfreedma at stevens.edu
Sun Mar 29 02:12:54 EDT 2009

Sorry for the double post if applicable. If you're not a member of the
SGDC mailing list, please sign up here:

Hey, Boot Camp-ers!

By now, you should be somewhat familiar with drawing, using
IntelliSense to help pick colors, the Vector2 class, instantiating,
etc. Hopefully, you've played with some of the other Draw() methods
that take different parameters - if not, I highly recommend messing
around with this. Anyways, you've been so good to us, I'm going to
give you all a little sneak peek of next Wednesday's class.

It will kick your ass sideways.

I've given you guys the last two weeks to mess around with Visual
Studio and get the basics down. Now, it's time to jump in the frying
pan and get some real learning done. As you know, this coming
Wednesday will be the third Boot Camp session, which means it's time
to actually knuckle down and start making games. Here's what you'll
need to prepare BEFORE you get to Babbio 122 at 9:00 PM:

- Your laptop, which should have Visual Studio 2008 and XNA 3.0
- A blank project, named [Your Name]Wars
- Four different images, approximately 500x500, with transparent backgrounds
- An Xbox 360 controller with drivers installed

No one has contacted an SGDC member about buying a controller, so I
assume you all already have one.

Remember to finish your homework, the Andy Warhol rip-off project. Do
it well and you can win my GDC swag - Top 3 get to choose between
Puzzle Pirates trading cards, an Edge Magazine, and Clint Hocking's
business card. GDC swag sucks.

And, of course, if you ever have a difficult question you need
answered, you can always contact me at zfreedma at stevens.edu or Ted at
treed at stevens.edu.

See everyone on Wednesday!
Zack Freedman

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