[Sgdc] Game Jam Starts Today!

Kenny Goff goff.kenneth at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 19:05:24 EST 2013

The theme is Destruction! Go!

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 1:08 PM, Kenny Goff <goff.kenneth at gmail.com> wrote:

> Our game jam competition starts today at 7pm!
> We will open up at 6pm in Burchard 127, hang a bit, go over the rules, get
> some food, and then the theme will be announced at 7.
> There will be prizes, VISA gift cards for the top 3 games which will be
> decided by the judges. We will be open until at least 11pm tonight, and
> remember, you don't need to be on location. Although if you are not there,
> but are going to compete, just send me an email tonight to let me know. No
> limits on game platform, development tools, language, or anything of the
> sort.
> The judging criteria are as follows (1-5 stars for each):
> Theme
> Entertainment
> Gameplay
> Aesthetics
> Overall
> And we will be randomly choosing a theme from the following list:
> Speed
> Helpless
> Innocence
> Silence
> Scale
> Building
> Destruction
> Immobility
> Minimalism
> Control
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