[SGDC] Meeting Tomorrow

Kenny Goff goff.kenneth at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 16:42:36 EDT 2013

Just a reminder: tonight at 9:00pm in Burchard 127

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Kenny Goff <goff.kenneth at gmail.com> wrote:

> Burchard 127 at 9:00pm as always.
> We're going to start off the night with Show Off day. Basically, anyone
> who wants to show off a current or previous game can (demo, talk about,
> show concept art, etc). If you've been working on a game to learn a new
> platform with SGDC members, that's also suggested and encouraged to share
> what you've done so far. So bring your laptop with the game or have it
> hosted online if you want to Show Off.
> I also want to get people set up on GitHub, and start getting the SGDC org
> going with some new projects if people want to contribute to the code there.
> After that we'll just have dev time to work on projects, and discuss
> recent news like SteamOS and the Steam controller.
> Make Games,
> Kenny
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