[SGDC] Semester Summary!

Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Sun Dec 14 16:11:50 EST 2014

Hello SGDC,
I wanted to say I believe we had a fantastic semester and extend my
personal thanks to all of our dedicated members who helped make this
semester a success. In addition to increasing the active membership by a
factor of 5, we have established ourselves as a legitimate presence on
campus. With great plans for next semester (including Unreal Engine
lessons), I can hardly wait. Anyway, congratulations to all of the members
of the club for doing such great work this semester. Below is a summary of
major achievements and important notes from this semester:

*New eboard*

   - President: Kevin Quigley
   - Vice President: Jason Gardella
   - Treasurer: Pat Grasso
   - Secretary: Adam Gincel

*Game Jam 1 (48 hours)*

   - 1st Place - "Elemental Affinity" by James Romph
   - 2nd Place - "OPAF" by Brian Intile, Adam Gincel, Kevin Quigley, Jordan
   Van Horsen, and Alex Massenzio
   - 3rd Place - "Trickery" by Alex Thieke
   - 4th Place - "Mage Tactics" by Gamal Mohamed

*Learn Jam*

   - GameMaker course led by Kevin Quigley, James Romph, and Brian Intile
   - Blender course led by Josh Phillips, Frank DiCola, and Graham Howard
   - Unity course led by Frank DiCola, Brian Intile, Jason Gardella, and
   Matt Lagarene
   - FL Studio course led by Adam Gincel, Alex Thieke, and Robyn Verrill

*Game Jam 2: RAGE Jam! (4 Days plus Super Epic Lan)*

   - Contributed 5 web-games to the RAGE website
   - *Developers Choice:*
      - 1st Place - "Change the Settings" by Frank DiCola
      - 2nd Place - "50 Seconds to Freedom" by Matt Lagarene
      - 3rd Place - "Ethereal Escape" by Adam Gincel
      - Plus roughly 10 more submissions
*Student Choice: *
      - 1st Place - "50 Seconds to Freedom" by Matt Lagarene
      - 2nd Place - "Gravity Ball" by Alex Massenzio
      - 3rd Place - "Life After Prison" by Kevin Quigley
      - Best Concept - "Gravity Ball" by Alex Massenzio
      - Best Music - "Escape from Zombies" by Alex Thieke and Brian Intile
      - Best Art - "Ethereal Escape" by Adam Gincel
      - Best Glitch - "Life After Prison" by Kevin Quigley

*SGDC and CLC Light Up the Night! (showcase) featuring the Jacobus Arcade
Machine (the JAM)*

   - Showcased a variety of SGDC games, including improved versions of
   games from both jams
   - *The JAM*
      - "A'Tempo" by Adam Gincel, Brian Intile, Robyn Verrill, David Estes,
      Jordan Van Horsen, Jeff Meli
      - "OPAF" by Brian Intile, Adam Gincel, Kevin Quigley, Jordan Van
      Horsen, and Alex Massenzio
      - "Snogger" by James Romph, Tim Barbara, Alex Thieke, Robert Sarakin,
      Vincent Vangiarella, Pat Grasso and Haley Meibach
      - "Spherical Saunter" by Adam Gincel
      - "Super Smash Flash 2" by Greg Mcleod
      - Bootloader designed and programmed by Vincent Simonetti
      - Construction of the Cabinet: special thanks to Josh Phillips and
      Kathy Nevola for building the version seen at our finale event


   - Thanks to Frank DiCola for organizing and distributing Unreal Engine 4
   - Thanks to Jeff Meli for creating our new logo and designing our new
   club banner (which we'll be showing off at our first meeting next semester)
   - Congratulations to our new sister club SCSC for receiving RSO status

Thanks again everyone! This may be the last email for a while. I will send
an update when the JAM is finished and also an email announcing the date of
our first meeting next semester. Good luck on any finals you have left and
enjoy the holidays! Over break, keep in mind things to come next semester
and roll over items such as T-shirt design, the Relay for Life Booth, CPAC
involvement, the Board Game Jam, etc.

-Kevin Quigley

SGDC President
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