[SGDC] Important Announcements

Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Tue Nov 4 22:10:59 EST 2014

Hello SGDC,
*There were a bunch of important announcements at today's meeting.  If you
were not there, you should read this whole email. *


   *Relay for Life Booth *
   - We were asked to hold a booth at Relay for Life next semester, we will
      be doing game showcasing and holding a mini board game jam of sorts
      - Next semester, if you would like to be on the sub-committee email
      the alias

   *House Keeping*

      Designing T-shirts for next semester

         Feel free to submit over the next couple weeks

      Board Game Jam: 11/18/14 during the meeting

      E-board shift

         Jason Gardella moved up to Vice President beginning next semester,
         unanimous vote by active members

         Nominations for open positions

            Treasurer: handles all financial forms; gets p-card, fills out
            reconciliation forms, submit budget requests, etc.

            Secretary: takes the minutes, attendance, manages sign-out
            forms, manages website


      Need web-compatible score-based games NOW

      Game Jam 2

   *RAGE Game Jam*

      11/10 at 5 pm to 11/14 at 8 pm, normal voting procedures

      Lieb 318

      Showcase at super epic lan on 11/15, category voting "Student's
      Choice" (time to debug between these events)

      Need table sitters

      DuckSync Event

      Facebook Event

      Thanks to Jeff Meli for making the teaser banner

   - *Elections - next Monday during the opening ceremony of the Game Jam,
   at 6 pm in Lieb 318*
      - To be nominated and/or vote, you must be an active member (meaning
      you must have attended at least 2 out of the last 3 meetings and
one of the
      events this semester)
      - To nominate someone for either treasurer or secretary, email myself
      or the alias with the nominee's name and suggested position, and a
      confirmed second (list the person's name)
         - You can nominate yourself if someone else seconds it
         - If someone else nominates you, you can second it
      - Current nominees
         - Treasurer - Erich Polixa
         - Secretary - Adam Gincel, Tim Barbara

*Note: *There will be a meeting next Tuesday at 9 pm, but it will be
relaxed with time to do open work with the arcade machine or on game jam

*If you have any questions on anything in this email or discussed tonight,
please email me for clarification*.

-Kevin Quigley
SGDC President
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