[SGDC] Game Jam Closing Ceremony - Time Changed to 5 pm

Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Fri Nov 14 00:13:02 EST 2014

Hello Game Jam Competitors!
If you are not competing and are unable to attend the closing ceremony,
feel free to disregard this email! For those who will be there, I have
an *important
announcement: the time of the closing ceremony has been moved from 8:00 pm
on 11/14 to 5:00 pm still on 11/14. Games will be due at 5:30 pm *since we
started late on Monday and it would be unfair to give less than 5 days for
the advertised 5 Day Game Jam. Submissions can be emailed to the alias or
to jgardell at stevens.edu or posted to the FB group. No matter which medium,
they must be submitted by 5:30 pm. I highly encourage everyone to go as
there will be Qdoba in Lieb 318 at 5 and then playtesting and voting for
Developer's Choice Awards will begin shortly after game presentations at
See you all there!
-Kevin Quigley
SGDC President

PS. Please spread word of this time change and encourage others to come!
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