[SGDC] Game Jam 2 Developer's Choice Results

Jason Gardella jgardell at stevens.edu
Fri Nov 14 23:12:02 EST 2014

Hey folks!

We had a really great turnout for tonight's Developer's Choice Awards for
the RAGE GameJam! All of the games were really interesting in how they
incorporated the theme, and it was really interesting seeing the different
approaches that each dev took. Before I announce the winners, I'd like to
acknowledge all participants of the jam. We organize these events for you
guys, and it's great to see such high club participation. So, here's
everyone that participated in the jam, and their games, in no special order:

*Cian Cavooris* (Impulse)
*Frank DiCola* (Change the Settings)
*Adam Gincel* (Ethereal Escape)
*Brian Intile*,* Alex Theike*, and* Ashley Bromiley* (Escape the Plot Point)
*Alex Massezino* (Gravity Ball)
*Matt Lagarenne* (50 Seconds to Freedom)
*Christian Harrypersad* (Follow the Money)
*Kevin Quigley* (Life After Prison)
*Robyn Verrill* (Project 1)
*David Orshan* (RAGE)

Again, thank you to all of the participants!

Now, to announce the winners!

*First Place*: Frank DiCola with *Change the Settings*
*Second Place:* Matt Lagarenne with *50 Seconds to Freedom*
*Third Place:* Adam Gincel with *Ethereal Escape*

Normally, first and second place would both win a $25 gift card, but since
Frank is a graduate student, he isn't allowed to win prizes (sorry frank :(
). So that means the prizes shift down, and Matt wins Frank's $25 gift
card, and Adam wins Matt's $25 gift card. You can both pick up your prizes
at Student Life on the 10th floor of Howe once I inform them of the winners.

All of these games will be available tomorrow at the SUPER EPIC LAN at 9pm,
which is taking place in the first two floors of Babbio. We will be having
voting for the Player's Choice Awards at the LAN, with exciting awards like
a table, wireless mice, and more gift cards. The games will most likely be
in an improved state as developers are allowed to work on their games again
for the LAN, so even if you were at tonight's event you should still come
out to play the games and vote (also free food, I'm pretty sure).

Again, thanks to all the participants and to everyone who came out tonight
to vote and eat Qdoba! Hope to see you all at the LAN tomorrow!

Jason Gardella
- SGDC Secretary
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