[SGDC] NYU Trip Tomorrow

Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Mon Dec 7 23:12:49 EST 2015

Hello SGDC,
As previously stated, we will not have an official meeting tomorrow.
Instead, we will have an optional club trip to the Manhattan branch of the NYU
Game Center's Open Library
<http://gamecenter.nyu.edu/academics/the-open-library/>. If anyone is
interested in coming, then *meet us in the Babbio Atrium at 5:15 pm
tomorrow evening*. We will depart and walk down to the PATH station and
take a train to 9th Street and then walk just a few blocks over to the
center. If you wish to stay in contact about this, join the SGDC Slack
<http://sgdclub.slack.com/>. We may make a different club chat in the
future, but for now that is the one we have so let's use it.

To reiterate, this is not an official club event and *each student will
have to pay their own PATH fares* (it's only a few dollars each way and you
can use a metro card). This trip will not only be educational and help us
possibly explore new outlets but also just be a lot of fun to go on. The
library closes at 8 pm, so that is the latest we will leave to come home,
but I imagine a few of us will want to get dinner together on the way home.
All are welcome!

Also, as a reminder, we have our guest lecture event (our last event of the
semester) Wednesday at 9 pm in BC 122. Come out to see Who (what, when,
where, why, and how) Is Mr. Game?
<https://www.facebook.com/events/798058600339698/> Inivte your friends on

I hope to see you all tomorrow and Wednesday, and thank you for a wonderful

-Kevin Quigley
SGDC President
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