[SGDC] Showcase tonight!

Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Fri Dec 4 11:30:37 EST 2015

Hello SGDC,
As a reminder, our showcase will be tonight in P 220 from 6 pm to 8:30 pm.
Please feel free to *bring as many of your games as possible*. If you have
multiple laptops, I encourage bringing them all. If not, I recommend
putting all of your games in a single folder for use at the showcase. If
you wish to show a board game that will be fine too, we purposely got a
room with round tables. We will bring a large power strip, but if you think
you may need an extension cord to plug in try to bring that yourself. See
you all tonight, great work this semester!

-Kevin Quigley
SGDC President
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