[SGDC] Summer Game Jam II

Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Thu Jul 2 20:42:06 EDT 2015

Hello SGDC,
The results of the Doodle are in and the poll is now closed! The SGDC
Summer Game Jam II will start on July 17th at 7 pm. At this time, the
theme, Google Hangout link, and rules will be announced via email and
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/groups/433857053307661/> and submissions
will be due July 19th by 7pm here
If you still don't have access to the General Body Folder, please request
it here
You will need to do so to submit, so please do it before the competition.
As a side note, you do not have to Google Hangout to participate it's just
a lot more fun if you do. See you all then!

-Kevin Quigley
SGDC President
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