[SGDC] Game Jam VI Results!

Adam Gincel agincel at stevens.edu
Fri Nov 13 22:04:57 EST 2015

Thanks to everyone for coming out to the Game Jam VI Closing Ceremony! We
had an amazing turnout and 12 great submissions, the largest amount in my
memory and maybe SGDC history??

First Place: Stealth Game 2 - James Romph
Second Place: Maguffin - Adam Gincel
Best Art: Demonochrome - Taber McFarlin and Kristen Buglio
Best Music: When Life Gives you Lemons - David Shmaggegghi Estes-Smargiassi
Best Glitch: Excavation - Andrew Barry

Congratulations to our winners and to everyone who participated! If you
have not selected a prize from the catalog please let me know what you want
during Tuesday's meeting. The catalog can be found here:

Adam Gincel
SGDC Vice President
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