[SGDC] Meeting Summary, Shirt Submissions, and Slack

Adam Gincel agincel at stevens.edu
Thu Nov 19 14:47:32 EST 2015

Hey guys! Last Tuesday's meeting went very well. We had a long discussion
about the future of our club, opened E-board nominations, and played
Undertale for a bit.

As announced, SGDC has budgeted for club apparel for next semester, so we
are looking for designs! We will need a front and back design (go to
CustomInk <http://www.customink.com/> to get an idea of what we'll need),
and it needs to feature the SGDC logo (find that here
and the official Stevens logo (found here
<http://www.stevens.edu/sit/about/branding-identity>). If nobody submits
something awesome we're probably gonna go for our logo in white on a black
shirt with the Stevens Logo on the back or something, so give us something

Also at the last meeting we started an SGDC Slack channel. Sign into
sgdclub.slack.com/ with your Stevens.edu address to join! This will be a
good way to get smaller announcements out quickly without clogging
everybody's inbox, so please join when you get the time.

We have a website with a games page! I updated it a bit and added a section
for games from this year. Go to http://sgdc.github.io/games.html to check
it out. If you want your game added to the page (the more the merrier!) we
have a form on Ducksync to submit it or you could just email me.

Finally, we have canceled next week's meeting as it is right before
Thanksgiving break. See you guys *December 1st *for our E-board elections,
and for maybe starting that hardware project we were talking about!

*TL;DR: Send us apparel designs, join our Slack, email me your game info to
put it on the site, and don't go to Lieb 318 next week at 9:00 because we
won't be there.*

Sorry for the brick of text and thanks for reading,
Adam Gincel
SGDC Vice President
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