[SGDC] Meeting Summary

Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Wed Sep 2 00:46:45 EDT 2015

Hello SGDC,
Firstly, I want to say thank you for an awesome first meeting. We had a
great turn out and got an incredible amount done (way more than I
expected). As a result, we are now in a great place moving forward as we
prepare for the new freshmen and the remainder of the semester. I apologize
if tonight's meeting was a little boring for some members, but the work we
got done tonight was crucial to ensuring a smooth semester. Our next
meeting will be *Tuesday, 9/8/15 in Lieb 318 at 9 pm.* Unless otherwise
noted, we will meet every week at the same time and place. Below is a copy
of the meeting summary, please read it thoroughly so you are prepared and
can respond where appropriate.




      Facebook Group <https://www.facebook.com/groups/433857053307661/>

      General Body Folder

         Logo, Constitution, Bylaws, etc.

         Request Access Here

      Google Play Store License - submit games

      Equipment Sign-out Rules

         Standard - most equipment

         High-Valued - equipment over $100

         Special - equipment which requires separate rules

      Anyone can make a JAM game at any time

   RAGE Games

      Email nbarilla at stevens.edu with ideas

      Games due 9/15 unless otherwise discussed with Natalie


      President - Kevin Quigley

      Vice President - Jason Gardella

      Treasurer - Adam Gincel

      Secretary - Alex Massenzio

   Minor Board

      Cabinet Manager - James Romph

      Alumni Representative - Frank DiCola

   Budgeted Events

      Game Jam V

      Learn Jam III

      Game Jam VI

      Guest Speaker


   Other events

      RAGE Board Game Jam

      "IGD" Intercollegiate Conference

   Early Meetings

      1-hour courses, starting on 9/15

   Later meetings

      Open dev time with help available, possibly small group projects



      Member Form <https://orgsync.com/48081/forms/157277>

      Game Form <https://orgsync.com/48081/forms/157281>

      When submitting a game, please confer with teammates so that the game
      is only submitted once


   Tonight's Productivity

      Assigned teachers for lessons and wrote curricula
      - Designed dev computers

Thanks again for a great turnout and large amount of productivity at our
first meeting. Just a quick reminder, if you volunteered to teach and we
wrote a curriculum for you tonight, please bring whatever teaching
materials you plan to use to next week's meeting so we can do some sample
lessons and iron our details. If you have game dev news or projects to
showcase, feel free to bring them next week! See you then!

-Kevin Quigley
SGDC President
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