[SGDC] SGDC Game Jam V Voting and this week's meeting

Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Mon Sep 21 00:17:46 EDT 2015

Hello SGDC,
We had an awesome set of games submitted for the 50-hour Game Jam! Before
we get started with our *Unreal Engine 4 tutorial at this week's meeting
(Tuesday at 9 pm in Lieb 318)*, *we're gonna vote* to determine the results
of the jam. Here's what you need to know:

   - Before the meeting, you should download and test each of the following
   eligible submissions:
      - FUGU by Albert Tang and friends
      - Pop by Richard Kopelow
      - Aggressive Expansion by Adam Gincel and Kevin Quigley
      - Ambition by Andrew Barry
      - Empirical Expansion by Robyn Verrill
      - Interstellar Tournament by James Romph
      - Overgrowth by Max Melo
   - Also, feel free to try out "We Need More Guns" by Brian Intile, who is
   unfortunately ineligible to win currently but still made a cool game
   - There are going to be 5 Categories:
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