Adam Gincel agincel at stevens.edu
Sun Feb 7 23:43:40 EST 2016

Alright everyone, the results are in! After 12 awesome entries and two and
a half hours of presenting, playing, and voting, here are the voted winners!

*1st Place: *Memory - Adam Gincel
*2nd Place: *Slipspace Cartographer - James Romph
*3rd Place (Honorable Mention): *Project Hiway - Alex Massenzio

*Best Use of Theme: *8p4c - Andrew Barry
*Best Visuals: *LOST_IN_TRACKING - Christian Harrypersad
*Best Sound: *Laser Lab - Chris Hittner

If you'd like to play the games yourself after the fact they can all be
found at http://itch.io/jam/gjvii

Thank you everyone for coming out. Prizes will be ordered and delivered
ASAP. Everyone who submitted or just came out helped to make this another
incredibly successful Game Jam, and I really appreciate it. Now we can all
regain control of our lives and go back to academically responsible things.

See you all Tuesday!
Adam Gincel
SGDC President
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