[SGDC] DOUG LOMBARDI Q&A TONIGHT AT 9 and Focus Group Invitation

Adam Gincel agincel at stevens.edu
Wed Feb 24 17:30:14 EST 2016

Hey everyone,

*The Q&A with Doug Lombardi is tonight at 9 in EAS222!* There will be
snacks, drinks, and pizza. Come on out, hear some great stories, and ask
some questions.

In addition, Dr. Plothe from the CAL department has reached out for help
regarding a focus group regarding video game trailers. I've included his
blurb below. Please consider filling out his Doodle and participating!


Dear students,
My name is Dr. Theo Plothe, and I am a professor in the College of Arts and
Letters here at Stevens Institute of Technology. I am currently conducting
research on video games and I am interested in your experiences as gamers.
I will be conducting a number of focus groups on campus in the coming
weeks, and I’m looking for participants. The focus group will be a fun,
interesting discussion of gamers’ perceptions of the real and virtual
within digital game trailers. It will involve viewing a few short videos,
and having an engaging discussion about them. The entire focus group should
take no more than 50 minutes.

The focus groups will take place between Wednesday, March 2, through Wednesday
March 9. To sign up for one of these times, please follow the link to
http://bit.ly/1Lu7mRO where you can select the times you are available on
Doodle.com <http://doodle.com/>. If you are not able to attend, I would
appreciate you passing this invitation along to your friends who might be
interested as well.
Any questions about the study? Feel free to drop me an email at
tplothe at stevens.edu.


Dr. Theo Plothe


See you all tonight!
Adam Gincel
SGDC President
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