[SGDC] Summer Jam updates, Website news

Adam Gincel agincel at stevens.edu
Wed Jul 6 10:47:11 EDT 2016

Hey everyone!

The first deadline for the Summer Jam is this Friday! You need to have
uploaded some sort of screenshot or concept art of your game to either our
Facebook page or the itch.io page for the Jam. Speaking of...

We have a new website! As part of overhauling SGDC's web presence I changed
the URLs of our itch.io jams to all be uniform. Jams can now be found at
our website under Games. Our website is: http://sgdc.ml

I also added redirects to the site, sort of like short-links that I can
make. Now you can go to http://sgdc.ml/#sj3 to go to the Jam page as well!

If you have any questions, comments about the website, suggestions, or
anything else, feel free to email me.

Looking forward to seeing some Jam content, and I hope everyone is having a
great Summer!
Adam Gincel
SGDC President
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