[SGDC] Omar Shakir Q&A This Wednesday

Adam Gincel adam.gincel at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 23:17:42 EST 2016

Hey everyone!

Our guest speaker event is this week! Omar Shakir, Narrative Director at
Avalanche Studios (the team behind Mad Max and Just Cause) will be joining
us on campus to give a talk *this Wednesday, November 7th* at *7:30pm.* The
talk will be happening in the *Skyline Room* on the 4th floor of Howe. Take
an immediate left upon exiting the elevators and you will be staring at the

If you're not sure where the room is, I recorded another "Adam Walks
Somewhere" video! Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCaCXOHeHtE

Omar will be talking about how ideas go from paper to production in a AAA
studio, his role as Narrative Director at Avalanche, and will be taking
your questions. We are very lucky to have him coming to talk with us --
let's come up with some good questions for him.

Food will be served. In addition, I will make sure the talk is recorded in
some capacity so even if you can't make it you'll get a chance to see it.

[image: Inline image 1]

See you guys on Wednesday!
Adam Gincel
SGDC President
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