[SGDC] Meeting Tonight, Closing Ceremony Friday at 7pm

Adam Gincel adam.gincel at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 17:17:31 EST 2016

Hey everyone!

I hope your Game Jam is going well. We'll be meeting *tonight* at
*9:00 *in *Lieb
120*, like usual.
If you're not sure you're a voting member, you should definitely show up
tonight *(eboard nominations are next week -- it's important!)*

Tonight's meeting will consist of:

   - Catching up on game dev news, etc
   - Alumni Kevin Quigley doing an interactive session on Level Design
   (useful if you're trying to make levels for a game jam game!)
   - Open Jam time
   - Some news from a few club members

I look forward to seeing you all tonight!
SGDC President
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