[SGDC] Game Jam X Results

Adam Gincel adam.gincel at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 14:53:46 EST 2016

Hey everyone!

*Sorry for the lateness of this email, it was a crazy weekend*

Game Jam X has come and gone. We had 13 submissions and managed to not stay
until 11 this time! Thanks to everyone who came out, and thanks to everyone
who participated!

Without further ado: the results!

1st Place: *Tangent* - Alex Massenzio
2nd Place: *Smesh *- ​Isaac Hirschfeld, Katie Bryant, Nick Ciulla, Brad
Tylutki, PJ LoBello, Noah Goldstein​
3rd Place: *sneaky facility* - James Romph
Best Visual Design: *Spinoff 2016 *- Ben Blease
Best Audio Design: *All This Wood: The Game* - Adam Gincel, Ari Fiekowsky
Best Use of Theme: *Krey-Blade* - Jake Lovrin

I hope everyone had a good time and learned some things this week. We'll do
a post-mortem of the Jam at our next meeting!

Adam Gincel
SGDC President
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