[SGDC] Nominations Open, Showcase Confirmed

Adam Gincel adam.gincel at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 23:46:28 EST 2016

Hey everyone!

*TL;DR: Nominations are open, Showcase is 12/7 in P116, Winter Jam planning
is in progress, see you all next week for elections*

Thanks to everyone who came to the meeting! We talked about a lot of good
stuff. First things first: nominations for eboard are open. Current
nominees by position are as follows:


Adam Gincel

Vice President:

Alex Massenzio


James Romph


David Sternik

Lucas Guzman

Isaac Hirschfeld

Taber McFarlin

Ian Allemand

An updated member list is at the bottom of this email and at
http://sgdc.ml/members Any active member can nominate themselves or another
active member for any position. If you have any questions, feel free to ask
me or the rest of the eboard. Please send any nominations to
sgdc at stevens.edu

Also, we locked in the date for Showcase! We will have our *Fall Showcase
on Wednesday, 12/7 at 7:30 PM in Peirce 116. *Please invite your friends
and bring some games you made to play. We'll have pizza, snacks, give our
awards for things throughout the semester, and have a good time to close
out the semester.

We're also probably gonna do some sort of Winter Jam -- we'll hash out the
details later on.

*Here's the active member list:*
Ian Allemand
Chris Byrne
Nick Ciulla
Samuel Elliott
Adam Gincel
Lucas Guzman
Christian Harrypersad
Isaac Hirschfeld
Chris Hittner
Richard Kopelow
Jack Kraszewski
Jake Lovrin
Alex Massenzio
Taber McFarlin
Jeff Meli
Cyrus Merchant
Caleb Obeng
James Romph
David Sternik
Albert Tang
Robyn Verrill

Adam Gincel
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