Jake Lovrin jlovrin at stevens.edu
Tue Nov 14 11:10:01 EST 2017

Good morning, everyone!

Tonight's meeting will involve elections for executive board positions. In
order to have a vote in this election, you must be considered an **active
member** according to the organization's constitution and bylaws.

An *active member* is defined by having the following attendance record,
calculated by swipes on DuckLink:
- Two (2) of the last four (4) general body meetings
- One (1) of the last two (2) events. Note: A game jam typically counts as
two events (opening and closing ceremony)

According to our records, the active member list is currently **23** people
and is comprised of the following folks:


If you believe you should be on this list, let an executive board member
know and we will review possible lapses in swipes/activity on a case by
case basis.

See you tonight in Fielding!
Jake Lovrin
SGDC Secretary
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