[SGDC] Elections/Game Jam Wrap-Up

Jake Lovrin jlovrin at stevens.edu
Wed Nov 15 00:33:45 EST 2017

Good evening!

Apologies for not getting this one out sooner, but in preference to avoid
spam, here's a whole slew of information.

First off, tonight was election night! The club easily made quorum and the
race was underway for our candidates. Your new SGDC eboard transitioning
into their roles this coming semester is as follows:

President - Taber McFarlin
Vice President - Jake Lovrin
Treasurer - Jared Bass
Secretary - Sam DeLorenzo

Be sure to do congratulate them!

Secondly, I never got around to forwarding your Game Jam winners! So here
they are in order:

1st place: Innis Gamebit (Adam Gincel)
2nd place: goto Past (Katie Bryant)
3rd place: Escort Mission (Wesley McDowell, Andrew Chen, Keith Morel)

Best Audio Design: SideTrack (Nick Ciulla)
Best Visual: Spectre Fighter (Chris Kuras, Christian Beouwense)
Best Use of Theme: Six Shooter (Chris Byrne)

A major thank you to all who participated! This jam was absolutely amazing.

Talk to you again soon!
Jake Lovrin
SGDC Secretary
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