[SGDC] Learn Jame

Stephen Schmidt sschmid4 at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 6 13:03:01 EDT 2021

Hey all, this is Stephen with the Game Dev Club,
We will be holding our annual Learn Jam this weekend on Saturday, 10/9, in Burchard 118. Learn Jam is a day of back-to-back seminars on various game engines and game making tools. These seminars will give you an understanding of the capabilities of each tool and an introduction to each, so that you can get started making your own games. The schedule is provided below:
Schedule (Burchard 118):
12:00pm: Git Hub
1:00pm: Godot 2-D
2:00pm: Unity
3:00pm: Game Maker
4:00pm: Guest Speaker
5:00pm: Aseprite
6:00pm: Photoshop

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