[SGDC] Game Jam Voting Form and GBM 9

Christopher Kang ckang4 at stevens.edu
Mon Nov 28 12:55:06 EST 2022

Hello Everyone!

      First thing, the voting form for Game Jam T will be put on the bottom of this email so please fill it out. The voting form will close next Monday, 12/5. Second, the elections for the eboard will take place on 11/29 in Babbio 122 at 9:15. So please join us for that meeting to vote for our new eboard! The list of voting members and the people who are running for each position will also be put in the bottom of the email. Anyone under the "Need to come to this meeting list" is required to come to this meeting to vote. Thank you and I hope to see you all on Tuesday!

Chris Kang, Secretary of Game Development Club

Link to Game Jam T voting form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdz45onicWcUG5scEXij6If1MigPCRTPjmYLbEDOxwBPQXJ4w/viewform?usp=sf_link

Google Forms: Sign-in<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdz45onicWcUG5scEXij6If1MigPCRTPjmYLbEDOxwBPQXJ4w/viewform?usp=sf_link>
Access Google Forms with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account (for business use).

  *   President: Nicholas Buckley
  *   Vice-President: Stephen Schmidt
  *   Treasurer: Chris Kang
  *   Secretary: Logan Tenner

Voting members:

  *   Logan Tenner
  *   Matt Bernardon
  *   Dan Liu
  *   Nathaniel Andre Escaro
  *   Sarah Rodriguez
  *   Philip Russo
  *   Jack Morrison
  *   Nicco Carleton
  *   Wilson Jeng
  *   Stephen Schmidt
  *   Nicholas Buckley
  *   Chris Kang

Need to come to this meeting to vote:

  *   Frank Scozzafava
  *   Mia Braun
  *   Kyle Macadaeg
  *   Joshua Gorman
  *   Koen Mitchel Santos
  *   Faiyaz Aziz
  *   Cameron Marotti
  *   Konstantinos Mokos
  *   George Mularadelis
  *   Franklin Shack
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