[SHPClist] BODIES Exhibit Trip TOMORROW 10/24

Nicole Favetta nfavetta at stevens.edu
Fri Oct 23 15:22:49 EDT 2009

Hello everyone,
For those of you joining us tomorrow for the trip to the BODIES Exhibit
in NYC the details are as follows:

   - The group will be meeting at the *Howe Center lobby at 10A*
   *Please be on time.*
   - The group will be leaving the lobby shortly thereafter
   - We will be taking the PATH from HOB to WTC
   *Please bring PATH fare (~$3.50)* as this was not included in your $8
   - We all must be present at the exhibit by 12P in order to enter
   They will not let us in if the entire group is not there.
   *If you are running late or cannot make it last minute, please call
   Maryanne Muriuki @ 973.704.4071*
   - Any other questions before tomorrow AM, feel free to email me
   at *nfavetta at stevens.edu*
   - *We still have room for more so bring a friend!*

*For those of you who would still like to join us*, but have not payed
(*several s**pots are still available!*), follow the instructions above, but
bring your
ticket payment of $8.00 to the Howe Center as well.

Again, any questions, feel free the ask.

See you tomorrow!

Nicole Favetta
BMES Treasurer
 SHPC Vice President
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