[Themaintainers] Doodle poll for a Maintainers reading group

E.F. Spero efs8 at mit.edu
Tue Sep 13 11:44:49 EDT 2016

Hi Nathan
Just to clarify - are these times EST?

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Ensmenger, Nathan <nensmeng at indiana.edu>

> Enough of you have expressed enthusiasm about participating in a virtual
> #Maintainers reading group to justify an experiment.
> For our first reading we will discuss Julian Orr's 1996 classic *Talking
> About Machines: an Ethnography of a Modern Job* (ILR Press Ithaca, NY,
> 1996).  This is not only a classic ethnographic study of maintenance work
> and workers, but was an important influence on the later work of Jean Lave
> and Etienne Wenger on communities of practice.
> With our first reading selected, the questions remain: 1)  how best to
> conduct a virtual meeting, and 2) when?
> Since it is fairly easy for me to use Indiana University resources to set
> up an Adobe Connect meeting space, and since Adobe Connect, although by no
> means perfect, is widely accessible (via a browser or an app) we will go
> with that option.  Once we settle on a date, I will set up the meeting
> space and send out the details.
> As for a schedule:  I set up a Doodle poll to gauge availability on three
> potential dates (and four different times) in early-to-mid October.   I
> chose 7pm as a compromise between various US time zones, but also set up
> one 4pm possibility (on 10/13) just to test the waters for an earlier option
> Here is the link to the Doodle poll:
> http://doodle.com/poll/fury9uckrst8i5kt
> Hopefully we can come up with a reasonable compromise and get our
> technology in order to have a fun and fruitful conversation about the
> maintenance of Xerox machines!
> -Nathan
> ---
> Nathan Ensmenger
> Associate Professor of Informatics
> School of Informatics and Computing
> Indiana University, Bloomington
> homes.soic.indiana.edu/nensmeng/
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E.F. Spero
MIT-SUTD Postdoctoral Fellow

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