[Themaintainers] Doodle poll for a Maintainers reading group

Martin Forsey martin.forsey at uwa.edu.au
Wed Sep 14 04:10:48 EDT 2016

Greetings from Australia

Of course it can be very difficult to accommodate those tuning in from the Antipodes but for us the later the better and I do know that there are at least three of us from UWA (Western Australia) who would enjoy participating in this discussion. It is a great initiative.



Assoc Prof Martin Forsey

Anthropology & Sociology, School of Social Sciences


M257, Perth WA 6009 Australia


+61 8 6488 3880

 * M

+61 400 757123

 * E

martin.forsey at uwa.edu.au<mailto:martin.forsey at uwa.edu.au>

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Editorial Board Member
Qualitative Research
Ethnography and Education www.informaworld.com/EandE<http://www.informaworld.com/EandE>
Anthropology and Education Quarterly http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291548-1492
Learning & Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences http://journals.berghahnbooks.com/ltss/index.php?pg=home
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-----Original Message-----
From: themaintainers-bounces at lists.stevens.edu [mailto:themaintainers-bounces at lists.stevens.edu] On Behalf Of Ensmenger, Nathan
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 11:09 PM
To: themaintainers at lists.stevens.edu
Subject: [Themaintainers] Doodle poll for a Maintainers reading group

Enough of you have expressed enthusiasm about participating in a virtual #Maintainers reading group to justify an experiment.

For our first reading we will discuss Julian Orr's 1996 classic *Talking About Machines: an Ethnography of a Modern Job* (ILR Press Ithaca, NY, 1996).  This is not only a classic ethnographic study of maintenance work and workers, but was an important influence on the later work of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger on communities of practice.

With our first reading selected, the questions remain: 1)  how best to conduct a virtual meeting, and 2) when?

Since it is fairly easy for me to use Indiana University resources to set up an Adobe Connect meeting space, and since Adobe Connect, although by no means perfect, is widely accessible (via a browser or an app) we will go with that option.  Once we settle on a date, I will set up the meeting space and send out the details.

As for a schedule:  I set up a Doodle poll to gauge availability on three potential dates (and four different times) in early-to-mid October.   I chose 7pm as a compromise between various US time zones, but also set up one 4pm possibility (on 10/13) just to test the waters for an earlier option

Here is the link to the Doodle poll:


Hopefully we can come up with a reasonable compromise and get our technology in order to have a fun and fruitful conversation about the maintenance of Xerox machines!



Nathan Ensmenger

Associate Professor of Informatics

School of Informatics and Computing

Indiana University, Bloomington



Themaintainers mailing list

Themaintainers at lists.stevens.edu<mailto:Themaintainers at lists.stevens.edu>

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