[Themaintainers] MIII - Proposed panel theme on water infrastructure and public health

E.F. Spero efs8 at mit.edu
Wed Apr 24 16:05:14 EDT 2019

Dear Maintainers,

I am looking to create or join a panel that engages with themes of water
infrastructure and public health.  My contribution is a primarily
historical case (late 19th- early 20th C) from Lawrence MA, the home of the
first sand filtration system in the US and Lawrence Experiment Station, a
leader in public health research.  I focus on the interplay between
scientific research, implementation and maintenance of infrastructure and
standards, and policy/regulation implications.
Happy to discuss at greater length with anyone who is interested in doing
something together - there are plenty of ways to involve other types of
systems, regions, time periods, and contemporary practices.

Ideas welcome,

Ellan F. Spero, Ph.D.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
efs8 at mit.edu

Co-Founder and Chief Curriculum Officer
ellan at station1.org

Twitter (@ellanfei) <https://twitter.com/ellanfei> LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/ellan-spero-b1126a18/> Skype: efspero
(she, her, hers)
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