[Themaintainers] Festival of Maintenance 2019 programme launched

Laura James lbjames at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 15:02:45 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

The programme <https://festivalofmaintenance.org.uk/upcoming/schedule/> for
the Festival of Maintenance <http://festivalofmaintenance.org.uk/>launched
today. We've got a great range of speakers lined up for Saturday 28th
September in Liverpool and tickets are only £15
<https://ti.to/festival-of-maintenance/2019-festival> for a day of
fascinating talks and discussion around maintenance in complex and changing
times. The Festival seeks to cross fields and sectors and to bring together
practitioners as well as those interested in the study, politics and
economics of maintenance. We've got talks on potholes, visible repair,
predictive maintenance, automation and care, urban systems, data, community
infrastructure and more.

I hope you can join us; do pass this on to anyone you think might be

Best regards,


Tickets: https://ti.to/festival-of-maintenance/2019-festival

Website: https://festivalofmaintenance.org.uk/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/maintenancefest

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/MaintenanceFest/

Occasional updates by email: https://tinyletter.com/FestivalOfMaintenance
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