[Wcpr-members] WCPR and non-WCPR business

Michael Bocchinfuso mbocchin at stevens.edu
Mon Apr 3 01:04:35 EDT 2006

for those of you who need to make up your summer/fall class schedules,
http://personal.stevens.edu/~jkoch/sched/jk%20modified%20scheduler.exe is
the latest version of the class scheduler program (edited by John Koch of
SITtv). enjoy, and I hope it makes things a lot easier. also, don't forget
that in addition to class registration in the next week or so there's
housing applications. just figured I'd give a heads up, especially to the


on to WCPR business:

1) we'll be finalizing plans for Karaoke in the next few meetings. the event
will be on April 24th at 9 in Bissinger. please plug the event during your
shows during the upcoming weeks. there will be food, prizes, and alcohol
(for those 21+ with valid ID). it's always a big draw every year.

2) sometime around the end of April, when we have our last meeting, we'll be
taking a survey of who will be around for summer as well as who intends to
return for fall. this will help us best gauge what projects to tackle in the
near future (such as record library reorganization).


that is all. see you at this week's meeting.



Publicity Manager

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