[Wcpr-members] It's that time of year again...

Robert May gm at wcpr.org
Wed Dec 7 11:14:25 EST 2011

Alright everyone, it crept up on us but *TODAY* is our *LAST OFFICIAL
MEETING OF THE SEMESTER! *We like to go out in style here at WCPR, so we're
offering free pizza, soda, and other assorted goodies for WCPR members that
come by! Take a break from studying and doing papers, and come relax with
the rest of the crew!

Also, *Pierce Week Shirts are finally in! *Those of you that DJ'd can pick
up your shirts after the meeting, and we'll have information on how
everyone else can buy one!

The only event remaining for the semester is *Redshift's Open Mic Night* this
Friday. The event is at 9 in Jacobus Lounge, so we'll be setting up around
8PM. It's a really simple setup, so we should only need one person. The
event is going to be great, and they'll be serving hot chocolate and other
treats as well!

See you all tonight!

Robert May
Pizza Deliverer, WCPR
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