[Wcpr-members] Meeting Tomorrow!

Robert May gm at wcpr.org
Tue Sep 20 23:09:33 EDT 2011

Hey everyone! I know I know, I miss Live in Pierce Week too. It's okay
though, because for many of you, it's show time! I am VERY happy to see *over
33 hours of live programming* already! There are still plenty of great times
open, and I know there's some people who haven't yet handed in forms! Get
those to Dana, our awesome programming manager, and she'll get you on the

*If you still need training *for your show,* email programming at wcpr.org* or
*info at wcpr.org* and we'll get you set up!

So this upcoming week we'll have two mobile units. *ESC's Casino Night *is
this *Thursday the 22nd*, and we are providing lights. If anyone is
interested in doing lighting setups, this would be an easy way to take an
hour out of your day and get acquainted with some of our lighting systems.
Come by the station around 6:30PM if you're interested in helping out. We've
got a big one *next Wednesday the 28th*. The Mallard Drakes will be playing
at the *Techfest Enchantment Under The Sea Dance*, and we're providing *the
whole sound and light setup* for it. The event is in Walker Gym, and we'll
be rolling out a ton of lights, and a full band audio setup, so we'll need a
bunch of hands. If you can help out, come down to the station at *5PM*. It
should be a fun event, too! Email info at wcpr.org if you have any questions
about these events.

That's all for now, see you tomorrow night at our usual *weekly meeting* at
*9:30PM in the station*!

Robert May
General Manager, WCPR
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