[Wcpr-members] Meeting tonight!

Robert May gm at wcpr.org
Wed Oct 3 13:14:53 EDT 2012

Hey everybody, apologies for the late(r than usual) notice, but we'll be
having our *usual weekly meeting tonight at 9:30pm in the station. *There's
some fun stuff going on so try and make it this week!

Also, if you're interested in joining the *WCPR Publicity Committee, come
by the station at 9:00* to meet with Pat, our Publicity Manager. Check his
earlier email for more details on that.

This week we vote on *Pierce Week shirt designs! *We'll have everything
submitted together so you guys can pick what design you like for this
semester. Thank you to all who submitted!

We have a couple events on the horizon....
*Sunday, October 7th *is a *SUMAC Show in Jacobus! *I know it's a holiday
weekend and not many people will be around, but if you can help out, we
could use all the hands we can get. *Setup will be at 3:30pm in the station.
*Wednesday, October 10th* is the annual *SigEp/WCPR Hall Brawls!* We always
play some good pump-up music for all the people battling it out, so* come
by the station around 1pm to set up.*

Our card access system is fully functional again, so* come by the meeting
tonight if you need access or training for your show!*
Let me know if you have any other questions or comments. See you all

Robert May
General Manager, WCPR
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