[Wcpr-members] Tonight's meeting, and this week's events!

Robert May gm at wcpr.org
Wed Oct 17 13:40:38 EDT 2012

Hey errbody, big stuff happening this week. First, our *usual weekly
meeting will be tonight (Wednesday) in the station at 9:30pm. *We've got
some events we need your help for, and we'll be talking about them and some
other new things this week, so come by and hang out! We can also give card
access for those who still need it.

Next, the most important part of this email: *Events!*

-*TONIGHT *we are doing sound and lights for* ESC's Casino Night in Babbio
Atrium!* We're doing some fun stuff including our LED EQ tubes, and one of
our own, Luis Garcia, is DJing the event, so come by and help! We're going
to *meet to set up at 4:30pm in the station*. It's a bit early, but we'll
be pulling out some big stuff, so we'll need some time to do it. ANY and
ALL hands to help out would be appreciated, even if you can't make it at

-*TOMORROW *we are doing sound and lights for* IGSA's Traditional Night!* This
is a good one, with a lot of fun dancing and great food. We really need
some extra help on this one, so if you're interested, *setup will be at
4:30pm in the station.*
Any questions about the events or other upcoming stuff can be forwarded to
me or info at wcpr.org as always.

See you all tonight!

Robert May
General Manager, WCPR
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