[Wcpr-members] Approaching nominations!

Robert May gm at wcpr.org
Sat Mar 16 23:25:18 EDT 2013

Hey all, I hope you're all enjoying the last of your breaks... Just wanted
to provide some info about nominations for elections that are coming up
this week. Apologies to those who may not have been on the mailing list
until now.

Nominations will open on *Monday, March 18.* At this point any and all *active
(attended one of last four meetings) *general body members who wish to
nominate themselves or someone else (so long as the nominee is not on
academic probation) may email *eboard at wcpr.org* and do so. We will also
have a brief session of nominating on Wednesday at the meeting, for those
who want a bit more information before they start. Here's a brief overview
of the six elected positions of WCPR:

*General Manager*: The GM makes sure everything is getting done, and has
the resources to help out any position. They lead meetings, delegate
responsibility, oversee event planning, and act as the face of the
*Programming Manager*: The PM manages all content, which in our case covers
DJs as well as the music in our automation system. All show scheduling,
block scheduling, and music selection for AutoDJ is done by the PM.
*Business Manager*: Business managers take care of our semesterly budgets,
buy new things, and make sure that we have station supplies, office
supplies, and little things like gaff tape for mobile unit.
*Station Engineer*: The engineer is in charge of knowing how our audio
systems and streams are all connected. Studio B is also a big
responsibility, as well as mobile unit.
*Publicity Manager*: Every time we have an event, the publicity manager
takes care of advertising through the SLN, posters, and whatever else we do
for it (like giving out candy for LSD). Also, publicity manager is in
charge of all ads on air.
*Office Manager*: The office manager takes care of the office (obviously)
and does other things such as attendance, handling the mailing list, and
getting the mail every week.

If you'd like more information about a position, email me or whatever the
position is (programming at wcpr.org, etc) and we'll talk to you. *Don't be
shy!* WCPR needs strong leaders, and if you think you'd make a great part
of our team, we'd love to know. Everyone works as a team here, so what we
do isn't confined to our position's responsibilities. It does take a lot of
work to run a radio station, but with bright people leading things, it all
gets done.

I'll email out again on Monday officially opening nominations, but for now,
enjoy the end of your break! See you all next week!
Robert May
General Manager, WCPR
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