[Wcpr-members] End of the semester meeting!

Robert May gm at wcpr.org
Wed May 1 16:00:23 EDT 2013

Hey everyone, I apologize for the late notice, but tonight is our last
official meeting of the semester. It's going to be usual time, usual
place *(9:30pm
in the station).* Next week we'll be gathering at the station and heading
up to Midnight Breakfast, so the meeting will be brief.

Come by for info on a few remaining events we're doing sound for this
semester, which we'll also email out when they're approaching.

We'll also be discussing normal summer things, so if you're around this
summer, definitely come by!

I understand being busy at the end of the semester (hence a weekly email on
Wednesday...) but if you can make it, please come. We'd love to wrap up the
semester in a positive way with as much of our crew as possible. We also
take this time to figure out what went well this semester and what needs to
change or grow before the fall kicks in, so if you have comments, try and
make it to the meeting!

See you all tonight!
Robert May
General Manager, WCPR
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