[Choir] Congrats, Caroling, and the 22nd

David Zimmerman David.Zimmerman at stevens.edu
Mon Dec 12 16:18:39 EST 2011

Hi Everyone,


WONDERFUL job last night! The Messiah Sing was a huge success, and a very
moving experience for those who attended (all 175 of them!)


There's a great picture Dean Nilsen took of the group, and I posted it on
Facebook. If you are not a member of the Stevens Choir group yet, then you
are invited to join:



This THURSDAY I hope you will be able to join us caroling across campus! We
will meet in the Music Room starting at 6:30pm, and we'll trek out onto
campus around 7:15-7:30pm. We end the day at Maureen Weatherall's house for
hot chocolate and holiday goodies.all are welcome! Bring friends!


Finally, I'm looking for a couple more people to sing on the 22nd from
2:30-3:30pm, for the President's Faculty/Staff holiday party. They will be
Christmas carols, like on Thursday, and you'll be singing as people come in
and out..and you'll get to come to the party, too! If you are still here and
can join us, please let me know ASAP.


THANKS, and best of luck on finals!




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