[Choir] Choir, STUTES tomorrow!

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Thu Jan 19 00:15:35 EST 2012

Dear All,

Just another quick reminder - Choir starts up at 6:45 tomorrow, 
Thursday. Looking forward!

STUTES: we won't actually start tomorrow night (will hold to next 
week), but I'll need to know ASAP who is interested and available this 
semester. If you have a class conflict to 9 on Thursdays but would still 
like to do Stutes, please shoot me an email right away. Thank you!

FYI to those interested in Stutes who haven't been in the group: this 
is a small, fast-moving ensemble. It takes extra musicianship and/or 
work outside our very limited rehearsal time to keep up - and most 
Thursdays after Choir (to 9:45) really have to be sacred, as that's 
usually all the rehearsal time we get prior to concert week. That said, 
if you are interested, let me know.

Stutes is also a real option for those whose schedule simply doesn't 
permit Choir at all in a given semester, assuming the above is taken 
into consideration.


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