[Choir] 11/25 Choir & MESSIAH Solos

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Fri Nov 22 06:34:06 EST 2013

Dear All,

Thank you for making some glorious sounds last night. I'm looking 
forward to hearing them again on Sunday!

Re Choir on Monday 11/25: after much deliberation I've decided that 
post-Sunday you just must have a break, so we will not meet for Choir.

HOWEVER, "Messiah" prep will still be happening - I will be in the Music 
Room hearing auditions for the tenor solo recitative preceding "He 
Trusted in God," and the soprano recitatives preceding "Glory to God" 
for most of the usual rehearsal time.

Please write to confirm your interest if you would like to audition, and 
show up during the Choir period between 7 & 8:30 (preferably - I can 
stay to 9 if necessary).

IF YOU HAVE CLASS but wish to audition - write to me and let me know if 
you can come in before 7. Barring that, I can also hear some people by 
special appointment on Tuesday. We must schedule specific time slots in 
advance for that - don't just show up. Thank you.

Remember - the tenor solo requires a tenor range. That doesn't mean you 
have to be a member of the tenor section, but it does mean you must have 
a viable high F.


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice

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