[SDS] Congratulations!

Natalie Arndt narndt at stevens.edu
Mon Apr 14 14:17:21 EDT 2008

Hey everyone!

Now that we're all (hopefully) recuperated, I just wanted to say 
congratulations on a great show! There isn't one person who didn't work 
hard to make this show come together, and I'm really proud of everyone 
for sticking with it. 

Drood a challenging production on its own, but our particular 
experience brought its own set of obstacles. And not only was the show 
a hit (I've heard from a number of people how fun it was to be an 
audience member), but I think that we were able to have some fun and 
make it our own. 

So again, congratulations, and thank you for the wonderful show that 
YOU made happen.

Natalie Arndt
Stevens Dramatic Society

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