[SDS] LOAD IN and oSTEM Gender Affirming Clothing Swap DONATIONS NEEDED

Gabriella Poska gposka at stevens.edu
Thu Mar 9 11:49:59 EST 2023

Hi Everyone!

Keep reading for some great ways to get involved with The Prom THIS WEEK as well as some awesome information from oSTEM!

Take a Load Off Before Load In

Join The Prom cast and crew on Friday, March 10th at 10PM in DeBaun Auditorium while we relax, watch movies, enjoy some Dunkin’ and fresh waffles, and decompress before our official Load In begins!


Load In is the second biggest SDS event of the semester where the cast, crew, eboard, professionals, and general members come together for an all hands on deck effort to bring our show to life. This semester, our set is bigger than ever and our technical elements and effects are increasing day-by-day. If you are available, all are welcome to help as much as possible on Saturday, March 11th starting at 10AM in DeBaun. Our crew will continue building throughout the duration of Spring Break so if you are in the area, feel free to stop by because there will be tons to do.

oSTEM Gender Affirming Clothing Swap - DONATIONS NEEDED

This clothing drive is a yearly event that oSTEM hosts to help provide transgender and non-binary students on campus with gender affirming clothes that they would otherwise not be able to get or afford. The clothing swap will take place on March 20th from 6:00 - 8:30pm in the UCC Gallery. A drop off box is CURRENTLY located on the second floor of the UCC, next to the Office of Undergraduate Student Life, where donations can be deposited. Any type of clothes will be accepted and are greatly appreciated, they only ask that it is clean and suitable for wear. Any clothes left over after the event will be given away or donated to a local charity or shelter. Reach out to ostem at stevens.edu with any questions!

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out! Looking forward to seeing you all soon and for a successful LOAD IN!!!!!

SDS Executive Board


Gabriella Poska

Stevens Institute of Technology

B.E. Biomedical Engineering 2023

Student Government Association, President

Stevens Dramatic Society, President

(347) 620 – 8471

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly<https://calendly.com/gposka>.
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